The whole world, including India, is under lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. The virus has caused so much commotion already; by looking at the rate of its growth, it seems the current scenario will continue in the coming days as well. Though not stepping out of the house is the need of the hour, the fact cannot be ignored that staying locked up inside four walls for days can turn out to be pretty depressing. With news channels always broadcasting the virus news and the adverse situation spread everywhere, people’s anxiety can be triggered easily and can take a significant toll on their mental health.
Nobody can unsee the situation, which has been uncertain and troubling lately, but not to forget, every cloud has a silver lining. The world is on a standstill, and people have all the time in their hands to pursue all those activities and tasks which had taken a back seat because of their fast-paced lives. Amidst such gloomy times, the only escape from the monotonous routine for all is the internet. Many games, challenges, and tips & tricks are making rounds on social media platforms to lift the spirits of people. At the same time, they are quarantined and are maintaining social distancing at their homes.
Along with all the fun activities, everybody is trying to do their best work-wise. Apart from people working for essential services, all businesses and employers are supposed to work from home. Although ‘working from home’ seems exciting at first as there is no compulsion of office timings, involves no traveling and work can be easily done in the comfort of a bed with no one keeping the check on, the case does not stay the same for a long time. The ambiance and home atmosphere can get too comfortable for people to work in and can eventually result in a lack of motivation, followed by zero productivity.
In such times, it’s always better to refer to someone who has expertise in the matter and has been working from home for a long time. Most influencers curate content from their homes. They understand the struggle and difficulties associated with it. Top influencers have come to rescue the perspectives and sideline the negativity caused by COVID-19.
They have decided to use the platform to spread positivity, motivation, and good vibes. Influencers from all fields have taken over their social media handles to share tips on how to stay motivated and be productive while working from home.
The best way to comfort people is to let them know they’re not alone in these difficult times. Working at home, all alone with no colleagues or friends can make one question the amount of work they’re doing and how to separate or divide time between home chores and work life. Influencers, like Kritika Khurana who is famously known as That Boho Girl among her followers, has been uploading daily vlogs displaying her daily routine, which strikes a complete balance between how she’s handling her personal and professional life during the quarantine. Like work, breaking up the day from work is just as important.
The influencer suggests making time for the following: beauty, food, chill, and activity-such as putting on music and dancing along. It gives her audience a sense that everybody is hustling through these difficult times, and to have a good turnover of the hard work; it’s necessary to divide time for all activities.
Kritika is also a big advocate for mental health. She keeps posting motivational quotes and thoughts in which she believes and keeps reminding that all are in this together, and gradually everything will get better.
The most common tip, almost all influencers stress upon, is to get rid of pajamas and slip into office wear. Fashion influencers like Ashna Shroff and Roshni Walia strongly suggest people who are working from home to dress up before beginning their work as it acts as a coping mechanism for all. Change in the outfit can lift the mood and keep spirits high, which ultimately results in better productivity.
Another tip influencer wants their followers to know is that they should have dedicated space for work if they want more significant efficiency. Both the outfit and the workspace can give an office feel at home and accelerate the motivation. It develops a routine, just like one has in the office.
Sticking to a routine helps in calmly aligning mindset and not feed into all the anxiety.
Sitting in one place, working for hours can be tiring. During these times, when going out is not an option, the physical activity is restricted. It’s a known fact that a healthy mind is a result of a healthy body. The mind only works unless and until the body is active. Puneet Rao, fitness influencer, and Larissa D’Souza, a lifestyle and travel influencer, are motivating people to develop a daily fitness routine.
They recommend that a perfect balanced routine can be done from the comfort of the living room, and it is vital to stay fit during this time. Staying fit also means eating healthy. Now that everybody is staying at home, cooking healthy meals three times a day while limiting grocery shopping outings may be a noticeable lifestyle change. Many influencers on Youtube and Instagram share easy, healthy, and delicious recipes one can make with limited resources, which do not take much time so that work does not suffer, and one can enjoy a meal too.
With all the tips and hacks of working from home, influencers keep reminding their audience about all necessary precautions for the global battle against Coronavirus. Many influencers like Mostlysane, aka Prajakta Kohli, have put up an IGTV video displaying the right method to wash hands as recommended by the World Health Organization. Along with her, many influencers are using their popularity to educate their audience about the gravity of the situation and telling them the right measures to deal with the issue.
Influencers are very consistent with their content in these times. They are trying to build a relationship with their followers through various ways like live interactions, Q/A sessions, taking over different pages, and suggesting methods to pass the time during the quarantine.
Not going out for days is a big challenge, but at least nobody is alone in this, and there’s a surety that someone out there on the internet is always ready to help during these tough times.